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Environ Concentrated Alpha Hydroxy Toner

Sale price$89.00$75.65
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Alpha Hydroxy Toner may assist in promoting the skin’s natural acid mantle and help to refine the texture of the skin by encouraging exfoliation.



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How to use

Alpha Hydroxy Toner may assist in promoting the skin’s natural acid mantle and help to refine the texture of the skin by encouraging exfoliation.

1. Pre-cleanse and cleanse with your preferred Environ products.
2. Moisten cotton wool with the Concentrated Alpha Hydroxy Toner and apply to the skin.
3. Follow with your recommended Environ vitamin A moisturizer.
4. Use morning and evening.
5. Should you feel a slight tingling sensation, dampen the cotton wool with water to dilute the toner before application.
Glycolic Acid
Concentrated Alpha Hydroxy Toner
Concentrated Alpha Hydroxy Toner Sale price$89.00