Shift Your Energy: 5 Ways To Get Motivated
How many times have you set the intention on a high vibe to accomplish a plethora of tasks throughout the day/week, but depending on the situations you experience, the pendulum swings, and you’re left in a funk and lazy?
Here are 5 of my favourite ways to shift your energy and get motivated!
Go for a walk outside
Make the choice to change your environment and get outside. Fresh air and the feeling of sunshine on your face do wonders for the nervous system. Walking and breathing outside enables stimulation of your cardiovascular system, increasing the oxygenation of the brain. Desirable sensations of rejuvenation, improved concentration and better focus are felt. Intake of vitamin D production is also increased, optimizing physical and mental performance.
Walking outside, especially without headphones, also allows one to align with nature's resonance of least effort, possibly shifting one's perception of what’s creating the current low vibe. Remember, life is all about flow, not force!
Practice a Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra is a stillness practice. Ultimately, it is a 30-minute guided ‘nap’ with awareness. The intention is to experience profound ease within the physical body. This form of guided meditation accesses vast quietude as the brain slows from Beta to Alpha to Theta (possibly Delta) wave, where the mind is no longer confining perception. Neurotransmitters such as serotonin, endorphins and norepinephrine are released. Within this state of dreamless sleep, neurotransmitters such as serotonin, endorphins and norepinephrine are released. Therefore, cellular renewal and repair are optimal. A 30-minute practice equates to about 4 hours of sleep! You will wake feeling revitalized and energized, I promise.
Make a green juice or smoothie
Get creative with your hands! Try a new and quick juice or smoothie recipe. This will get you out of your left brain (thinking mind) that is generating the low energy and moving you into the right brain is responsible for emotion, spatial ability and artistic side. Drinking the nutrient dense liquid will elevate the dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbent on the ventral striatum (area of the brain) that is synchronistically responsible for motivation activation.
Clean the kitchen and add citrus to your diffuser
A clean and organized environment can significantly improve productivity and concentration while subconsciously alleviating unnecessary stress. The act of cleaning and decluttering can boost your mood by releasing dopamine, leaving you feeling more in control of your surroundings. Aromatherapy has numerous effects on managing emotions. Citrus such as lemon and orange enhance positive mood and claim to boost energy levels. This is because the sense of smell is the only sense out of the five that directly affects the amygdala, the brain's emotional center. Don’t have a diffuser? Simply place a few drops in the palms, vigorously rub your hands together, cup your hands in front of your face and breathe long and slow through your nose.
Have a 20-minute journaling session
Journaling is a beneficial tool to build self-awareness and development. When feeling stuck, take 20 minutes and begin to write about the situation and your feelings regarding your energy levels. As you write, see if you can uncover the deeper feelings rooted in the lack of motivation. Dump it all on the paper unapologetically. From there, switch the topic to 5 things you absolutely love about yourself, five things you are grateful for and five amazing things that have happened to you recently. Decode the outcome (visualize and feel yourself aligned with the desired situation). Allow that energy to resonate, and watch what naturally occurs!
Remember, change requires you to make a different choice.
Until next time,
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