2019 Skin Trends
2018 was a year that brought us micro-needling, vitamin C, hyaluronic acid and a more holistic approach to skin care. We can also say that 2018 was a year where skincare became more prominent and important in our everyday lives. However, when we compare our trends to the fashion and makeup industry, we seemed to be trailing behind. We firmly believe that it will change in 2019. According to Pinterest, the term “self-care” increased about 140 percent in searches (WOW). So what does that really mean? People are starting to pay attention to what they are putting in their bodies as well as on their skin. Priorities have shifted from not paying as much attention to our well being to taking an extra vacation to ensure our well-being is properly being taken care of. So, as 2019 makes its entrance, what can we expect? Here are some of our 2019 skin trend predictions.
- Skin care made simple
One of 2018's biggest beauty trend was a natural makeup look and we believe that trend will carry on to 2019 in both the beauty and the skincare industry. As we apply less and less makeup, we will want to focus more on the health of our skin, but under one circumstance - that skin care is made simple. We don't want too many products nor do we want to be using overly complicated products. Sooner or later, brands will be creating multi-purpose products and we can't wait!
- SPF is a necessity
As the awareness of skin damage and skin cancer arises, we are taking different actions in order to protect our skin from UV rays. Tanning beds are looong gone and new ways of tanning are becoming more noticed, such as spray tans and at-home tanning lotions. The younger generations are well aware of the effects UV rays have on their skin and they aren’t afraid of purchasing sunscreens with higher SPFs and cleaner ingredients. After all, sun burns aren’t cute.
- Skin Care companies will focus on pollution and blue light
The human population is constantly growing, newer technologies are being created, more cars are being bought, and therefore, more pollution is being emitted in the air. Our worries are focused about “what happens if we inhale all this pollution” and don’t get us wrong, inhaling pollution every day is not ideal, but what about the effects of pollution on our skin? Pollution causes premature aging, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, skin congestion and so much more. We predict that skin care companies are going to start focusing on implementing certain ingredients in their products to ensure that our skin is protected from these external aggressors.
On a side note, today’s generations are constantly on their phones, iPads, and laptops - we literally cannot get away. Have we thought about the effects of blue light on our skin? What about protecting our skin from the blue light that is emitted from our devices? Luckily enough, Luzern Laboratories developed a line called “La Defense” that focuses on protecting our skin from pollution, blue light & UV-light. These products will help defend and detox our skin from aggressors that cause hyperpigmentation, in congestion, wrinkles, and dullness. We look forward to more brands following this trend.
- Clean and honest beauty
No more ingredients that don’t agree with your skin. As previously mentioned, self-care is a huge aspect in people’s lives. As we focus more and more about what we put in our body, we are also going to focus on what we put on our skin. People will be checking ingredient lists to make sure the what’s inside the bottle aligns with their morals.
In addition to cleaner products, we will also start seeing more cool ingredients such as activated charcoal, hemp-seed oils or CBD oils, and kefir.
- At-Home Devices
We are all about at-home devices and we know that in 2018 they came out strong. Think about the NuFace Trinity Device - you can literally perform a lifting and anti-aging treatment right in the comfort of your home. What's even more excited than these at-home devices are the advancements that these tools will encounter? Think about apps or skin scanning devices that measure the skin's moisture, pores, lines, and wrinkles over time - MIND BLOWN.
- Professional Skin Care
As we become more aware of how important it is to take care of our skin, we will start to look into professional products that are medical and physician-based. It's one thing to clean, exfoliate and moisturize your everyday using traditional skincare, but if we are looking for faster results, we will need to invest in products that contain high concentration of active ingredients and that are results-focused. Not only will we want to invest in medical-grade products, we'll also want to start getting more professional treatments done to improve our skin's texture & complexion and to make us even more beautiful than we already are.
Are you ready for 2019 because we are and we can't wait to see the new advances between beauty, healthy & skincare.
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