Wellness That Matters: Everything You Need to Know about Enzymes
Health is only complete with the understanding of enzymes. All compounds and elements we eat must be broken down into other compounds or elements. The "complex" is broken down into the "simple".
For example, protein is a large structure that must be broken down through digestion into amino acids. Complex sugars must be broken into simple sugars and fats into fatty acids. Enzymes are the catalysts for all these chemical and biochemical processes.
Enzymes are the unsung heroes of our body's processes. They are the driving force behind all bodily functions, from liver and kidney function to immune and lymphatic response and the nervous system's communication. In essence, enzymes are the reason life happens. We rely on thousands of enzymes throughout the body, with metabolism alone requiring several thousand. In a healthy body, enzymes can be used repeatedly, ensuring the smooth operation of our bodily functions.
It is very important to understand that the body's pH, dehydration, radiation, toxicity, and body temperatures can impair, destroy, or stimulate enzyme factors. This can lead to tissue hypo- or hyperactivity, lack of proper digestion, poor nerve response, and breathing issues, to name a few conditions.
There are two types of enzymes in humans. Systemic enzymes are responsible for running the body. Every process requires an enzyme. Examples include cellular growth and repair, blood clotting, oxygen exchange, and the transport of carbon dioxide.
The other type of enzyme are digestive enzymes. They start in the mouth, where the breakdown of starches and sugars begins. They also start in the stomach, where protein breaks down into amino acids must occur.
However, there is a second category of enzymes essential to life that we do not produce but must get from food. These are called exogenous enzymes. These enzymes play a vital role in helping the body break down foods into usable building materials. We need the support of these food enzymes for digestion and utilization to properly take place. This is where the value of eating raw food comes into play. Enzymes are destroyed when subjected to temperatures starting from 110-130 degrees Fahrenheit and above. Lower temperatures can also destroy enzymes if the food is cooked for long periods. Therefore, I encourage my clients to include fresh, whole, raw, and ripe food daily. The reason we are seeing so many digestive issues today is that people are eating too many cooked and processed foods. Cooking our food destroys life. Enjoying the natural flavours of fresh fruits, salads, smoothies, and vegetable juices will supply your body with enzyme-rich foods that will help to improve your digestion and ensure that you are feeding your cells the fuel they need to perform well.
Take a moment to reflect on your eating habits and daily food choices. Are you incorporating enough raw veggies and salads into your diet? If you're experiencing acid reflux, bloating, or heartburn, it might be time to reevaluate your food intake and make some changes. Try to include some organic raw foods from nature in your daily meals. By fueling your cells this way, you can experience improved physical energy, mental focus, and spirit.
Until next time,
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