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Choose To Practice Positivity With These 2 Simple Journal Prompts

Choose To Practice Positivity With These 2 Simple Journal Prompts

I’ve never been consistent writing in a journal. I have always found it a bit uncomfortable in the sense that I pause and actually begin to judge what I am writing. In the health and wellness industry, there is a slew of evidence that supports the mind/body benefits of tending to self-reflection through handwriting: stress relief, improved memory, increased communication, inspired creativity, enhanced emotional intelligence and aided productivity.


A few months ago, I chose to get comfortable amidst my discomfort. I began a consistent 5 am practice. The morning begins with a 32-minute meditation. I then write in my journal immediately. As I open to a fresh white page, with intention, I deliberately write down at the top  of the journal page the question:


“How do I want to feel as I move through my day today? How can the highest version of myself radiate through?”


This, for me, changed everything. Here’s why:


Visualizing and writing your desires for the day and how you want to feel as you move through those actions embeds within your subconscious mind, fuelling your conscious actions. It rewires the brain's neurons, and as the physical body is so objective, it does not know the difference between reality and your imagination. 


The key here is how you want to feel. To be so descriptive within the physical expression of that future moment enables the conscious mind to remember when you actually greet that experience throughout the day. 


For instance, knowing I am going to have coffee with a friend, who I tend to habitually gossip with, and I desire to break that pattern, in the morning, I journal, “Within my conversation during coffee I am so aware and awake to communicating positive, uplifting energy.” When I  greet that exact moment and begin to fall short, my conscious mind is more objective to my subconscious patterning (of gossiping); I am able to recognize and recall my morning what I wrote down and make a different choice. 


Another key is to write in the present tense. Writing in the present conjures feelings of accomplishing the desired moment. Again, programming the subconscious mind to hold a sense of achievement. Through the Law of Resonance, the vibrational message emanating into the Unified Field will be the energy returned to you like kind, as thoughts, feelings, emotions, and experiences have an electromagnetic quality.


At the end of the day, in preparation for optimized sleep, I also prompt myself to write down at  the head of a new page, 


How did I feel today? Was I in alignment with my intention?


I point out the elevated emotions as I move through my day, almost like an affirmation practice of positivity. Again, to call in energetically how I felt in the present tense solidifies the neurological wiring and programming to not only break habitual conditioning but also to hold that vibrational frequency as I fall asleep. Theta wave, right before you fall asleep, is the most impressionable and second slowest wave of the brain. If your final thoughts and emotions before you drift into sleep are that of wholeness, resilience and worthiness, the subconscious mind begins to release deeply stored fear-based thinking, reducing felt anxiety to induce physical relaxation and rejuvenation. It is associated with imagination and creativity, so here is the precise moment of the day to manifest and step into the best version of you. 


This practice is very inspiring because you begin to see and feel a palpable change within your reality. By forming a greater relationship with yourself, you begin to align with synchronicities that you are co-creating with the Universe. 


Remember, change requires you to make a different choice. Will you choose to practice these simple journal prompts and level up your energy?


Until next time,



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