New Year, New Glow
Do you remember the resolutions you made last year?
Traditionally, when welcoming the new year, we tend to look back at the previous year in evaluation of our accomplishments (and of course, our challenges). What went really well and what didn’t? Did you stick to your resolutions or did you let them slide?
I’m sure you’ll agree, that after umpteen January 1 “self-promises” that this year will be the year that you’re succeed in reaching your life goals (i.e. take charge of your career, improve your relationship(s), go to the gym and loose 10 pounds)… however, it’s just not that simple. If you really want to be successful and stick to your resolutions, make sure they are achievable, realistic and outlined with great detail. Make sure to plan in a way that fits your lifestyle (maybe even your social life). And…. write them down, because making promises to yourself by just thinking about them, isn’t enough.
Resolutions are transformations (habits, thinking, desires, mind-set etc.); therefore, are a work in progress. YOU are a work in progress and a beautiful one at that. Remember to be kind to yourself and don’t expect to wake up one morning a new person. Like a great wine, the process takes time, love, patience and nurturing.
The awesome news? Commitment and drive to succeed is the first step… YOU CAN definitely optimize the next 12 months to grow and become the person you want to be.
Now, let’s talk about BoutiqueSkinEnvie and how, together, we can smash your 2019 skin care gaols! Use the next 12 months to focus on achieving glowing healthy skin. I personally recommend these 5 simple steps, as your baseline:
1. LOVE - learn to love and appreciate your skin & of course, yourself. Love is the first step to everything in life.
2. PRIORITIZE - what are your skin care priorities? If your skin hasn’t been a priority in the past, today’s the first day to make a change. Think about this… your skin is with you forever, therefore, as we grow and age our skin tells a story of our life. What kind of story do you want you skin to tell?
3. EDUCATE - learn everything you can about your skin.
- What is your skin type? Normal/combination, oily, dry/dehydrated, sensitive/reactive and/or acne-prone?
- What are your primary concerns? If you had a magic wand and could change 3 things about your skin, what would they be?
- What kind of products do you want to use? Vegan, organic, medical-grade, trendy or no preference
4. INVEST – it’ time to invest. Once you identify what your skin needs, make the investment. If need be, start off small with a cleanser & moisturizer. Then, move your way up by adding products into your regime to optimize results… you’ll learn to love the process. I promise, nothing is more satisfying than seeing results.
5. COMMIT – you must commit to your skin care regime. Make the time every morning and evening, to complete your skin routine. Seriously, it only take 3-5 minutes. Pamper yourself, you deserve it and our skin will thank you.
Trust the process!
Have any questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to me… it would be my pleasure talk about your skin care goals and to help you build a program, that will help provide the results you are looking to achieve.
Happy New Year,
Tasch xxx
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