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Our Lion’s Mane mushroom tincture is a potent and bioavailable dual extract. Made to be taken every day, this tincture acts as a nootropic -improving mood, memory and focus while also providing support for mild memory issues associated with aging.*
Rainbo mushrooms are sustainably cultivated in Canada.
Made with love. Consume with reverence.
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Our Lion’s Mane mushroom tincture is a potent and bioavailable dual extract. Made to be taken every day, this tincture acts as a nootropic -improving mood, memory and focus while also providing support for mild memory issues associated with aging.*
Rainbo mushrooms are sustainably cultivated in Canada.
Made with love. Consume with reverence.
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Our Lion’s Mane mushroom tincture is a potent and bioavailable dual extract. Made to be taken every day, this tincture acts as a nootropic -improving mood, memory and focus while also providing support for mild memory issues associated with aging.*
Rainbo mushrooms are sustainably cultivated in Canada.
Made with love. Consume with reverence.